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  1. _stale_workers

    for the older (retired) worker will forever be in a down state, but not be visible in the WranglerView Worker view. They will be visible in the output from the command-line utility…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  2. _SimpleCMD_QubeFrameRangeWithChunk

    . The drop down options are below: "Individual frames" this tells the worker to render 1 frame at a time. "Chunks with n frames" this tells the worker to render consecutively…
    QubeOct 31, 2014
  3. Job and Host Assignment

    preemption: The list of hosts are filtered down, just like the list of jobs are filtered above, using criteria such as the job's requirements and the queuing algorithm's host-job…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  4. supervisor_heartbeat_timeout

    to respond within the supervisor_heartbeat_interval window. If there is no response, the Worker will be marked as "down" and a second request sent. If that second request gets…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  5. worker_pidfile

    Synopsis worker_pidfile = path Path is where the Worker writes down the process ID to the main controlling process. _worker_bootstrap_parameter Example worker_pidfile…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  6. Remote Reboot_Shutdown Worker

    . To use this feature, use the qbadmin command line. Keep in mind that shutting down a host will require an administrator to physically power it back on. Remote reboot of a Worker…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  7. supervisor_max_worker_retry

    as DOWN, the Supervisor will check the host on a periodic basis to insure that hosts which may have been temporarily lost (due to scenarios such as a dead network) the Supervisor…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  8. Filter by status

    The simplest but least powerful way to cut down the number of jobs in your job list is to use the status toggles. If a status toggle button has a green light lit…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  9. Jobs Panel

    the Jobs panels has several filter tools to cut down the number of jobs in the list. Several or all filter tools can be applied at once and work as an AND, that is, for a job…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  10. How to Add a Qube! button to the 3dsmax toolbar

    step2.png Right click on button and Edit Button Appearance step3.png Choose qube from the drop down menu and click OK Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 13.35.37.png You should now have…
    QubeOct 15, 2014