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  1. _qubeuiPanelJobsFilterFieldDescription

    The most powerful way to cut down the size of you job list is to use the text based filter field. To filter on any job data visible in the list just start typing…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  2. _qubeuiPanelJobsFilterAdvancedFieldDescription

    Filter tool click on the little down arrow to the right of the filter search field. JobsPanelFilterAdvanced_01.png The Advanced Filter tool allows you to chain filters together…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  3. Trigger Event Syntax

    Breaking down the trigger event specification syntax, it's composed of 4 fields: name-type-context-extra Examples are: complete-job-self (when this job completes…
    QubeOct 16, 2015
  4. _qubeuiPanelStdoutStderrDescription

    into the filter field you can very quickly cut down the size of the log. Bookmarking. The Log panels can search for specific words in the log and bookmark the lines they appear…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  5. supervisor_flags

    to attempt to recontact a host marked DOWN. heartbeat_monitor Enable the heartbeat Worker host monitoring system. running_monitor Enable the Supervisor to track running jobs more…
    QubeJul 05, 2017
  6. _SimpleCMD_QubeFrameRangeNoChunk

    set the order in which your frames are rendered. The drop down options are: "Ascending" - this will render the frames counting upwards from your start frame "Decending…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  7. Test Write Job Submission

    to the required locations). If the Write Job fails, see the Troubleshooting section down the page. Select Submit > Tests > Qube Test (file Write) Job…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  8. Clustering and Job Priority

    is in its own cluster. It's when a job starts climbing down the tree that it starts to lose priority. When a job cannot find any hosts by descending down its tree branch towards…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  9. How to add a Qube! button to your maya shelf

    “Shelf Editor...” Create a new button Rename the button Qube! Move the button down to where suitable Select Command in the tabs and enter below OS X: system…
    QubeOct 21, 2014
  10. 3DSMax Job Submission

    this, select "Expert Mode" at the bottom of the dialog. Scroll down to Qube Worker Selection and click on the Browse button next to Reservations. Check the box marked "All…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017