


Page 5 of 9. Showing 81 results (0.011 seconds)

  1. Validating the qbwrk.conf

    After the qbwrk.conf file is edited, you should check the file for validity. This can also be used to verify macros and inheritance templates. As Administrator (or sudo…
    QubeJan 18, 2015
  2. Process group labels

    to a process group upon submission. The system automatically checks for the uniqueness of the process group label, and will automatically assign unique labels to jobs which don't have…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  3. How do I set my own shared directory for job types?

    the command line tool: qbconfigfile qbwrk.conf It will show you a fully expanded version of your qbwrk.conf that you can check for errors. Every change to the qbwrk.conf only…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  4. _SimpleCMD_RenderAppAutoThreads

    ), this section is not visible. Render on all Cores Checking this box means that once this job is assigned to a machine, no more jobs or instances will be assigned to the same machine…
    QubeOct 31, 2014
  5. _aboutSupervisorAutoDiscovery

    to the broadcast (on the same IP subnet as the worker). In this case, the qb_domain value provides a check for the auto-discovery mechanism: the qb_domain value is compared between…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  6. Windows Workers in Service Mode: operations such as killing/blocking jobs or locking workers do not take effect immediately; aggressive preemption does not seem to work properly.

    that are currently running on it Aggressive preemption not working as expected If you so see any of these symptoms, check your workerlog to see if you can find an ERROR message…
    QubeAug 16, 2018
  7. _qubeuiPanelJobsFilterAdvancedFieldDescription

    If you're not one for typing out filter terms yourself you can make use of the Advanced Filter tool, this is also a good way to learn or check syntax. To open the Advanced…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  8. _qubeuiPanelJobInternalsDescription

    with the selected job. Check here for things like the render's working directory, drive mapping or meta data provided on submission. JobInternalsDetailsTab.png Job Callbacks tab…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  9. Verification Steps on the Client

    On a representative client machine when logged in as an artist, do the following checks from the ArtistView UI: Submit a basic "set" job – This verifies that you can…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  10. Preventing a single bad job from sending many emails

    be able to confirm that the flag is set on a job by checking the "flags" field in the output from "qbjobs -l " or the job details in the GUI. Published by Scroll Versions…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017