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  1. qbupdateresource

    qbupdateresources to inform the Supervisor of the new counts. For example: you own 100 prman licenses Qube! is configured to allow up to 100 prman job instances to be running at any one…
    QubeNov 20, 2014
  2. Nuke Job Submission

    a copy (instance) of Nuke on the Worker that picks up the job, and that instance will render frames as assigned by the Supervisor. Since the scene file is only being opened one time…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  3. _hostOrder

    will use the hostorder specification only when initially choosing the most preferable Worker for the job itself. Once it has chosen a host, it will try to fill it up with instances from…
    QubeJan 13, 2015
  4. Maya Job Submission QubeUI

    "Submit Batch Render..." depending on your requirements. What's the difference? Submit Maya Render Job will open a copy (instance) of Maya on the Worker that picks up the job…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  5. Maya Batch Submission QubeUI

    line to open a new instance of the Maya file for each frame that it renders. Although this can be slower for large scenes, it can also be more flexible in large, complex…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  6. Installing AfterEffects CC on worker nodes

    back into Creative Cloud on this computer after the render-only instances of After Effects are installed. Then, on each computer on which you want to install a render-only…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  7. _SimpleCMD_QubeFrameRangeWithChunk

    instance range 1-100 with "Split into n partitions" and the field set to 4 will send 25 frames to each instance rangeOrdering Order to render the items. (Ascending=1,2,3,4,5…
    QubeOct 31, 2014
  8. Job Dependency Attribute Syntax

    of single-quotes will result in the job instances appearing to be hung on the worker; they will start the instance but never get assigned frames. Examples: Wait for job 900…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017

    many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn job['cpus'] = 1 # Below defines the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange…
    Qube / … / Practical example Renderman jobOct 15, 2014

    = {} # Below defines the name of the Qube! job job['name'] = 'python parent job' # Below defines how many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn job['cpus…
    Qube / … / Basic dependenciesOct 15, 2014