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  1. 3DSMax Job Submission

    !" menu in 3dsMax (picture). If you don't have that menu item, you need to install the JobType on the Worker - see this page. With a scene loaded in 3dsMax choose "Submit Render…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  2. Katana Job Submission

    The Katana submission UI utilizes the Katana loadOnce jobtype released with Qube! 6.9-0. There are in fact two Katana submission UIs, one for ArtistView (AV) and one…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017

    ) TUTORIAL' # Below defines the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange' # Below creates an empty package…

    how many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn job['cpus'] = 1 # Below defines the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job job['prototype'] = 'cmdline…
  5. Upgrading Qube!

    : Open the "Start->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs" and remove the Qube Components ("Qube! Worker Service", "Qube! Core", Qube Jobtypes, etc). Install the new Qube Core, Qube…
    QubeJun 14, 2018
  6. Basic python job submission I. Single command

    the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job. # 'cmdline' tells Qube that on the backend, we will execute a single command line # command. This will be the same…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  7. Maya Job Submission

    JobType was not installed. This should have happened with you installed the Worker, but if not, see this page for details of installing it. Maya_inapp_install.png Once installed you…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  8. Modo Job Submission

    don't see the "Maya App UI" entry in the menu, the Maya JobType was not installed. This should have happened with you installed the Worker, but if not, see this page for details…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  9. Uninstalling Qube!

    Manager Open the "Start->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs" and remove the Qube! Components ("Qube! Worker Service", "Qube! Core", Qube Jobtypes, etc).. Additional Cleanup…
    QubeOct 13, 2020

    ) TUTORIAL' # Below defines the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange' # Below relates to "instances" in the internal…