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  1. How to repair the supervisor database <6.4

    to the command prompt: mysqlcheck --repair --all-databases Wait for process to complete…
    QubeOct 20, 2014
  2. _SimpleCMD_QubeActions

    16 - Qube Actions.png GenerateMovie Select this option to create a secondary job that will wait for the render to complete then combine the output files into a movie. Note…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  3. qbshove

    the dispatch rate of your farm. Qube! is not a polling system, and doesn't wait for a certain amount of time before it re-evaluates all jobs. Repeatedly running qbshove will only increase…
    QubeNov 12, 2014
  4. qbjobs

    --waiting Display waiting jobs --pending Display pending jobs --suspended Display suspended jobs --blocked Display blocked jobs --running Display…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  5. Job Dependency Attribute Syntax

    of single-quotes will result in the job instances appearing to be hung on the worker; they will start the instance but never get assigned frames. Examples: Wait for job 900…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017

    () #=================================================== # # connect the signal to the handler, # try and lock the worker, # then go to sleep. # # wait to be terminated by the user logging out…
  7. Architecture

    to communicate with the Supervisor so that the GUI does not block while waiting for return messages. A request is placed in a Queue that is then processed by a separate thread…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  8. Qube Locker

    your machines status Checked: will kill the jobs that are currently running on your machine Unchecked: Will wait for the currently running jobs to finish before making the slots…
    QubeMay 11, 2018
  9. _SimpleCmd_AdvancedJobControl

    at 1.04.34 PM.png See this page for a full explanation of flag meanings Dependency Wait for specified jobs to complete before starting this job (comma-separated…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  10. Basic dependencies

    that will wait for the entire dependent job to finish before the current job starts. There are also subjob (instance) and agenda (frame) based dependencies. #!/usr/bin/env python3…
    QubeOct 13, 2020