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  1. worker_template_path

    Synopsis worker_template_path = path The template path is used to specify where the Worker should look to find the libraries/files associated with the jobs it will run…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  2. Centralized Jobtypes

    the worker_template_path to point to the location of the jobtypes (delimited by colons on OS X / Linux and semi-colons on Windows), but ensure you also include the default…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  3. How do I set my own shared directory for job types?

    Set the worker_template_path for the Worker to point to the directory containing the Job Types. Note, that on Windows, you must use UNC and the path separator is a forward…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  4. _workerTemplatePath_Gotchas

    Several important things to take note of are: On Windows, you must use UNC and the path separator is a forward slash "/". This worker_template_path should always contain…
    QubeJan 18, 2015
  5. Installing job types

    directories. To do this, the administrator must modify the qb.conf file. The tag to modify is the worker_template_path. Consult the Qube Administrator's Guide, Centralized Jobtypes…
    QubeOct 21, 2014
  6. Windows

    worker_template_path="C:/Program Files/qube/types;//server/share/site/qube\types"…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  7. Unix_Linux

    worker_template_path="/usr/local/pfx/qube/types:/site/qube/types" In the above example, the administrator properly specified Qube's default types as well as included…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  8. Configuration Parameter Reference

    worker_max_clients worker_max_threads worker_pidfile worker_port worker_post_interval worker_properties worker_resources worker_restrictions worker_template_path Client…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  9. Installing Additional JobTypes

    these jobtypes on the network fileserver. See the configuration parameter worker_template_path for the search path used by the Workers for their jobtypes. Also see Centralized…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  10. Installing Qube! Manually

    on the specific application interfaces that you are using. You can install these jobtypes centrally on a network fileserver. See the configuration parameter worker_template_path
    QubeNov 04, 2020