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    supervisor_flags =  integer mask or comma-separated list

    Mask sets some global Supervisor configuration parameters. Sum the settings to determine a composite value enabling each setting or list them in text form delimited by commas.




    Forces Windows users to set a password using qblogin.


    Enable the Supervisor to attempt to recontact a host marked DOWN.


    Enable the heartbeat Worker host monitoring system.


    Enable the Supervisor to track running jobs more aggressively.


    Enable stub optimization, the Supervisor will group similar jobs in it's queuing decisions. While this is a lot faster, it also removes the supervisor's ability to keep FIFO order of jobs, and auto-expand jobs may only expand at the initial job evaluation at submission time.


    Enable log removal upon job removal.


    This value is


    intended for smaller installations where log space isn't managed by an administrator.


     Allow the supervisor to re-attempt dispatch to a worker that has responded that it's busy starting another job instance.



    supervisor_flags = enforce_password,host_recontact,retry_busy
