Custom Policy implementation is done using a script file plug-in written in Perl.
The following qb.conf setting for this is as followsparameters must be set appropriately:
supervisor_policy_binding =
supervisor_policy_library =
This document isn't meant to be a tutorial on the Perl scripting language so we will assume administrators modifying this module in the following documentation already have a functional knowledge of Perl's syntax. Good online resources for learning Perl can be found at {+} there also many good published books such as Learning Perl published by O'Reilly which can get a beginning developer started with Perl scripting. path_to_script
To create a new queuing algorithmcustom supervisor policy, the developer must create a Perl module with the following Perl functionssubroutines:
- qb_init()
- qb_approve_modify($oldjob, $newjob, $user)
- qb_approve_submit($job)
- qb_calcstatus($subjobstatus, $agendastatus)
- qb_sudo_admin($username, $job)
A function, if not defined will, automatically be overridden with the "Default Policy". Example scripts can be found here: Linux: /usr/local/pfx/qube/examples/supervisor
Windows: C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\examples\supervisor
OSX: /Applications/pfx/qube/examples/supervisor
Here are details on each subroutine.
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