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    The next step is to combine all of the information in this tutorial to create a dummy Renderman workflow 

    This tutorial requires an understanding of : 


    Feel free to download an run the below script as it setup a job that will :

    • Create a Parent Rib Job that is set to run the command "sleep 20" with a range of 60 
    • Create a Blocked Child Renderman Job that is set to run the command "sleep 20" and waits for the Parent Rib job to complete before starting

    Code Block
    # Below are required imports for the script to run
    import os, sys
    # The below few lines of code are to determine the OS of the machine that your running 
    # this script from and then define the location of the Qube! API
    if 'QBDIR' in os.environ:
    	sys.path.append('%s/api/python' % os.environ['QBDIR']);
    elif os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
    elif os.uname()[0] == 'Linux':
    	sys.path.append('c:/program files/pfx/qube/api/python');
    # The below line of code is to import the above defined Qube! API
    import qb
    # Below is the main function to run in this script 
    def main():
        # ----------------Start creation of Parent Job----------------------------------------
        # Below defines an empty list for combining all tasks in the dependency chain
        task = []
        # Below creates an empty dictionary to be filled by the following lines of code 
        job = {}
        # Below defines a label for the dependency to be used internally within this script
        job['label']= 'RibGenLabel'
        # Below defines the name of the Qube! job 
        job['name'] = 'Maya Rib Generation Job TUTORIAL'
        # Below defines how many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn
        job['cpus'] = 1
        # Below defines the internal Qube! jobtype to be used to execute the job
        job['prototype'] = 'cmdrange'
        # The below parameters are explained further in the "Job submission with job package explained" page
        package = {}
        job['package'] = package
        job['package']['cmdline'] = 'sleep QB_FRAME_NUMBER'
        job['package']['simpleCmdType'] = 'Maya BatchRender (rib)'
    	# Below defines the Agenda/Range of the job this will fill the Frames/Work section of the Qube! GUI
    	# "0-60" is range 0-60
        agendaRange = '0-60'
        # Below defines the internal command required to generate the agenda 
        agenda = qb.genframes(agendaRange)
        # Below defines the job details for the agenda 
        job['agenda'] = agenda
        # Below appends the details of this task to the job dictionary for later submission
    	# ----------------Start creation of Child Job----------------------------------------
    	# Below creates an empty dictionary to be filled by the following lines of code
        job = {}
        # Below defines a label for the dependency to be used internally within this script
        job['label']= 'PRmanLabel'
        # Below defines the dependency of this job see below for possible dependency strings
        job['dependency'] = 'link-complete-job-RibGenLabel'
        # Below defines the name of the Qube! job
        job['name'] = 'Renderman Render Job TUTORIAL'
        # Below defines how many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn
        job['cpus'] = 1
        # Below defines how many Instances/subjobs the job is to spawn
        job['prototype'] = 'renderman'
        # The below parameters are explained further in the "Job submission with job package explained" page
        package = {}
        job['package'] = package
        job['package']['cmdline'] = 'sleep 20'
        job['package']['simpleCmdType'] = 'Renderman Job'
        # Below appends the details of this task to the job dictionary for later submission
    	# Below submits the task list to Qube! 
        listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit(task)
        # Below prints out a list of jobs that have been submitted by name 
        for job in listOfSubmittedJobs:
        	print '%(name)15s: %(id)s' % job
    # Below runs the "main" function 
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    This script differs very little from the Advanced Dependencies script 


    job['package']['simpleCmdType'] = 'Maya BatchRender (rib)'

    This was added to the Parent job to assign the UI type to the job 

    job['prototype'] = 'renderman'
    job['package']['simpleCmdType'] = 'Renderman Job'

    This was added to the Child job to assign the UI type to the job 


    Using the technique from the Basic python job submission III. SimpleCmd Compatibility and Application Specific Parameters page you can create you own custom code to fill in the required job/package details 


    This concludes the Beginner "Python submission and dependencies" 

    Should you require any clarification of any of the tutorial please feel free to leave comments