Breaking down the trigger event specification syntax, it's composed of 4 fields:


    Examples are:

    • complete-job-self (when this job completes)
    • failed-work-self-*  (when any frame in this job fails)
    • complete-work-render-5 (when frame 5 in the job labelled "render" completes) - see Referring to a job by label

    Trigger syntax fields

    1. Event names
    2. Event Types
    3. Event Contexts
    4. Context-specific extra fields (only certain context need this)

    Referring to other jobs in a callback via job labels vs job id's

    Qube introduces the concept of job labeling. A job label is a separate field in a Qube job which is used to help other jobs refer to that job by name rather than its job ID.

    When designing a job dependency graph, developers were previously forced to submit the jobs in order of precedence, collecting job ids and using them to initialize the child jobs. This technique is messy and a takes a significant amount of development to implement. It also limits the dependencies to a directed graph, and will not lend itself to a feedback loop job easily.

    Another alternative is to use the job's name to identify the job's dependency relationship. This method doesn't work well because a user is then committed to a strict naming convention when submitting to the farm.

    To solve this, Qube uses its process group job attribute in combination with the job's label. The only prerequisite is that the jobs be submitted with the same process group ID.  All jobs submitted with the same qb.submit() call are automatically joined into a new pgrp; each has the same process group ID, which is the job ID of the first job submitted (also known as the pgrp leader). 


    Job Labels must be unique within the process group.

    The Qube Supervisor automatically enforces the uniqueness requirement and will not allow duplicate job labels to be submitted, instead the submission will be rejected

    During submission, a developer may link jobs to the same process group by collecting the lead job's process group ID and then using that to submit the successive jobs, setting each job's pgrp value.  A simpler method is to submit all the jobs under the same API submit call, which automatically attaches all jobs to the same process group.

    This process group/label system solves 2 problems:

    1. The developer isn't forced to collect the job ids.
    2. The developer isn't required to use a naming convention for their jobs.

    The system also offers several major benefits:

    1. Resubmission, cloning and storage of a process group are simpler.
    2. Feedback loop job relationships are made possible.

    Event Names

    The name is the component of the event which details when the event should take place. This is either pre-defined, or user-defined.

    The possible pre-defined event names for jobs are:

    Event NameEvent Trigger
    completeJob is set to complete
    doneJob is set to complete or killed or failed
    submitJob has been submitted
    killedJob has been killed
    blockedJob has been blocked
    failedJob has failed
    runningJob has started running
    waitingJob has been set to waiting
    assignedJob has been assigned to a host
    removedJob has been removed
    modifiedJob has been modified
    dummyEvent is time-based - see here

    Table 3: Event Names

    Event Types

    The type of the event allows the system to identify the kind of event referred to. The available pre-defined names are relative to the specification of the type.
    The "types" of events


    Specifies the entire job


    Specifies a single subjob


    Specifies a single work agenda item


    Specifies the event belongs to a host


    Specifies a time-based event - see here


    Specifies an interval event


    Specifies a time-based event that exists independent of a job

    Table 4: Event Types

    Event Contexts

    The context or the "label" of the event is a specification to narrow the scope of the event. When someone specifies 'job' they don't normally mean all jobs, so a context is required to determine which job they are describing. A context can be specified in 3 different forms:

    1. pre-defined label
    2. process group label  (see: Job Labels)
    3. job ID

    Pre-defined labels

    selfThis job
    parentThe job referred to by pid




    Context-specific extra fields

    The extra in the event specification refers to the type of event. Each type of event may require additional information.

    In the case of the job, it requires nothing more. However in the case of the subjob it requires the subjob's ID number.


    When the job's instance #5 is done, execute callback: done-subjob-self-5

    Extra information required by each type:




















    The time of day is given in Qube time format. Intervals are in seconds.


    • No labels