
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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To do that, you would need to go back to the cluster, establish worker restrictions, then set the client cluster to submit jobs to the appropriate cluster.

1. You will need to modify the qbwrk.conf:

worker_cluster = "/"
worker_restrictions = "/project1"

worker_cluster = "/"
worker_restrictions = "/project2"

worker_cluster = "/"
worker_restrictions = "/project3"

worker_cluster = "/"
worker_restrictions = "/project4"

worker_cluster = "/"
worker_restrictions = "/project6"

[xcube1]: project1
[xcube2]: project2
[xcube3]: project3
[xcube4]: project4
[xcube5]: project5

2. You will need to set the following on each client qb.conf (for example):

client_cluster = "/projectA"

You need to set this on each client, so that the client will by default only submit jobs to the cluster you specify in the qb.conf.

The cluster setting is a hierarchy, so you don't necessarily need to put each host in a cluster. The restriction will limit the host to only run jobs submitted with the appropriate cluster spec, and the client_cluster will limit the cluster a job will be submitted to.

As a caution, if a user submits a job with a different cluster setting, the job will not go out with the default set in the qb.conf, but rather the one specified by the user, so they should not submit the job with a cluster setting.



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