
    This is the documentation for for an older version of Qube.

    Documentation for the latest release is available here.

    The filter bar and search box allow you to restrict the amount of information displayed, and / or find a specific entry. The searches and filtering apply to the pane which is mentioned in the search box. In the image below, it says "Job Filter" which means it will filter in the Jobs pane. Typically this will be the one selected in the tabs just under this bar.

    Refresh Buttons


    Refresh asks the Supervisor for updated information and displays it. This can be set to happen automatically, every N minutes & seconds, where N is user-selectable. See Preferences. Auto-refresh is not enabled by default. This will refresh all the current information, subject to any limits you may have placed on the number of jobs to query for. That is also set in the Preferences.


    Refresh Selected will only update information on jobs selected in the Jobs pane. All other restrictions about numbers of jobs will still apply.

    Filter Buttons

    The buttons are active (enabled) when they are in the "depressed" (dark) state (Windows & Linux) or when their black outline is shown (OS X). "Active" means that they  allow  the relevant job type to be shown. If you hover over a button, the tooltip that pops up will tell you what the button displays, and the current state of display (that is, whether the given job state is being displayed or filtered out).

    Incomplete Jobs
     - When enabled, shows jobs which are pending. Enabled by default.

    Running Jobs
     - When enabled, shows jobs which are running. Enabled by default.

    Failed Jobs
     - When enabled, shows jobs which have failed. Enabled by default.

    Killed Jobs
     - When enabled, shows jobs which have been killed. Enabled by default.

    Complete Jobs
     - When enabled, shows jobs which have completed successfully. Enabled by default.

    User Jobs - When enabled, shows only jobs submitted by the named user. Enabled by default, and defaults to the user running the UI. This can be confusing if you are looking for other people's jobs. The search box is only active when the filter is enabled. It is shown here disabled.

    Note that the "User" filter value is used in two ways:

    1. As a display filter: it will filter the list of retrieved jobs that are shown in the job list. Enabling and disabling the User filter control will hide/show jobs not belonging to that user.
    2. As a request filter: if the User filter is enabled at the time jobs are requested from the Supervisor, only jobs that belong to that user are returned by the Supervisor to the Client.

    You should be aware of whether the User filter is enabled or not when you start up the WranglerView and when you request jobs from the Supervisor, either by clicking 'Refresh' or the "Get Next n Jobs".

    The Search Filter in the Toolbar allows a user to filter the Jobs and Hosts in the JobList and HostList panels. The panel to be searched is listed in the search bar in faint type, for example here:
      This is telling you it will search the Job panel.

    Simply type in words for a string matching and search all fields specified in the Preferences under "Search Field Customization".


    Search History:
    The search bar stores recently used searches that can be retrieved by clicking on the search icon (magnifying glass). 

    Advanced searching:

    • Multiple words split by spaces: The search filter now splits on whitespaces and matches ANY of the resulting fields. To search for a phrase with spaces in it (usually a name or other text field), encapsulate the phrase in quotes "". For example, '"maya job"' will search for fields that have the string "maya job" in it, while 'maya job' will list all fields that have maya OR job in it.
    • Explicit search fields: The search filter now allows a user to explicitly search a particular field. This is done by typing in the field name followed by a : at the beginning of the search. For example, "id: 1228 1229" shows the jobids 1228 and 1229 in the JobList.
    • Menu items and Hotkeys: New hotkeys and menu items have been added to control the search filter contents.
      • View->Search Filter: Dependent Jobs (Ctrl+d)
      • View->Search Filter: Clear (Ctrl+.)

    There are two types of searches in WranglerView: 

    1. Server-side: This will perform a search in the supervisor's database.  By default, the string(s) you type will be searched for in the job name (Name), user name (User) and job ID (jobid) columns. You can specify any other column name to include in the search by using it with a colon (':'). For example, 
      Searches can include the logical operators "AND" and "OR".  For example, 
             user:"bob" AND name:"test render%"
    2. Client-side: This is more of a filter than a search.  Entering a value in this field will filter out any jobs that do not have a matching job name, username, or job ID.

    The type of search is set in the Preferences. By default, it is set to Server-side (the option is labeled "Query SQL").

    Help Button

       Displays additional help on how to do advanced searching.


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