    WranglerView 6.7-1c contains an optimization that delays the loading of the job
    logs when a job is selected unless the stdout/stderr log pane is showing. This 
    allows the user to scroll through the job listing much quicker, and only when
    the log's panel is displayed in the right-hand pane are the job's logs loaded.

    It also provides for better functionality for the (new since 6.7-0) "Log Size"
    column in the job and instance listings; when you select a job the log sizes
    for the job are calculated and displayed. If the log's panel is not visible,
    this allows the user to decide whether they wish to actually attempt to load
    the logs by displaying the log panel.


    ==== CL 14482 ====
    @FIX: modifying a job can result in the job's environment being cleared out entirely

    ==== CL 14454 ====
    @FIX: performance tweak: don't fetch the job logs when selecting the job if the
    log pane is not shown

    Changes in behavior 

    ==== CL 14486 ====
    @CHANGE: only fetch log sizes on job select, not at startup when logs are locally accessible

    ==== CL 14454 ====
    @CHANGE: display the log sizes after the job is selected, can be done without
    retrieving the actual logs


    WranglerView 6.7-1b contains an optimization uncovered by Andy Jones and Alon
    Gibli of PSYOP Los Angeles which affects performance when the log sections for
    individual frames get very large.


    ==== CL 14445 ====
    @FIX: apply Andy Jone's (Psyop LA) regex tweak to the section that trims text
    after "requesting work". Will benefit logs with very long per-frame sections.

    ==== CL 14443 ====
    @FIX: don't make the "got work" regex greedy, it can cause a log application
    hang where the per-frame log data is very long; the time spent in the hang is
    actually invisible to the python profiler



    WranglerView 6.7-1a is intended as a "roll-up" release, primarily intended to deliver the
    performance fix relating to jobs with large agendas, but also making available all changes
    since the 6.7-1 release

    New features 

    ==== CL 14337 ====
    @NEW: add support for mentalray standalone 3.12.1

    ==== CL 14328 ====
    @NEW: add OS X support to VRED Batchrender

    ==== CL 14264 ====
    @NEW: add support for Modo 9, as well as Modo on linux
    @NEW: submission UI now has a "version picker" widget rather than a list of explicit versions


    ==== CL 14441 ====
    @FIX: when logs exceed size limit set in user pref _and_ logs are retrieved
    throught the supervisor, the head of the log is truncated at the size limit
    instead of the middle portion of the logs being snipped out

    ==== CL 14437 ====

    @FIX: additional changes necessary in order for the performance fix in CL 14434
    to accommodate new log limit feature in 6.7
    @FIX: another performance improvement, tweak regex that trims the end of the per-frame logs

    ==== CL 14434 ====
    @FIX: severe performance impact to WV when loading logs for jobs with longer
    agendas (500+ frames), regardless of length of the actual logs

    ==== CL 14413 ====
    @FIX: Frames and Chunks columns sort as strings, not integer values: 1, 10, 2, 203, 9...

    ==== CL 14233 ====
    @FIX: catch case where VRay spawner port and range has defaults set to 0
    @FIX: enable VRaySpawner port and range controls on resubmission

    Changes in behavior 

    ==== CL 14394 ====
    @CHANGE: don't evaluate up- or downstream dependencies if the "dependency
    graph" is hidden by user preferences


    New features 
    < None >


    ==== CL 14073 ====
    @FIX: frame logs when run more than once on multiple instances are not sorted
    chronologically, but by instance ID, sometimes resulting in out-of-order
    per-frame log data in WranglerView

    ==== CL 14056 ====
    @FIX: ZeroDivisionError when a global resource is defined with a total of 0 resources

    ==== CL 14046 ====
    @FIX: can't properly shut down the supervisor (or detect if it's even actually
    running) when an OS X supervisor has "supervisor" in the hostname

    ==== CL 13946 ====
    @FIX: preference for c4dExe value ignored in C4D AppFinder submission UI

    Changes in behavior 

    ==== CL 14083 ====
    @CHANGE: 'log size' feature doesn't pre-fetch the log sizes unless the logs are
    locally accesible via client_log_path

    ==== CL 14073 ====
    @CHANGE: print a delineating space between successive runs of an agenda item
    when viewer per-frame logs, helps to see where it restarts

    ==== CL 14048 ====
    @CHANGE: shut down OSX worker service with launchctl instead of "killall"

    ==== CL 14044 ====
    @CHANGE: default 3dsMax jobs reservation to host.processors=1+

    ==== CL 14038 ====
    @CHANGE: expose the 'hostorder' in the 'worker selection' criteria section of
    the Job Properties pane if the job has a hostorder value set



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