    WranglerView 6.6-4c contains an optimization that delays the loading of the job
    logs when a job is selected unless the stdout/stderr log pane is showing. This 
    allows the user to scroll through the job listing much quicker, and only when 
    the log's panel is displayed in the right-hand pane are the job's logs loaded.

    ==== CL 14470 ====
    @FIX: VRED submission fails if there is a space in the Render Directory

    ==== CL 14469 ====
    @FIX: backport "delayed log loading" optimization from 6.7-1c to 6.6-4

    ==== CL 14465 ====
    @FIX: qbCache.py:1751 - "TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable" when
    displaying stdout log panel for running job when selected frame has just


    WranglerView 6.6-4b contains an optimization uncovered by Andy Jones and Alon
    Gibli of PSYOP Los Angeles which affects performance when the log sections for
    individual frames get very large.


    @FIX: integrate all post-1a-release performance tweaks found in 6.7 back into

    * CL 14436 - @FIX: another performance improvement, tweak regex that trims the
    end of the per-frame logs

    * CL 14450 - @FIX: don't make the "got work" regex greedy, it can cause a log
    application hang where the per-frame log data is very long; the time spent in
    the hang is actually invisible to the python profiler

    * CL 14451 - @FIX: apply regex tweak to the section that trims text after
    "requesting work". Will benefit logs with very long per-frame sections.



    New features 

    ==== CL 14400 ====
    @NEW: add ability to show/hide "Resource Summary" tab by user preference
    @NEW: "Resource Summary" hidden by default


    ==== CL 14414 ====
    @FIX: severe performance impact to WV when loading logs for jobs with longer agendas (500+ frames), regardless of length of the actual logs

    ==== CL 14411 ====
    @FIX: Frames and Chunks columns sort as strings, not integer values: 1, 10, 2, 203, 9...

    ==== CL 14184 ====
    @FIX: use version-agnostic URL to on-line qube documentation, reflects moving the docs to the QUBE space in confluence

    Changes in behavior 

    ==== CL 14392 ====
    @CHANGE: don't evaluate up- or downstream dependencies if the "dependency graph" is hidden by user preferences



    New features 

    ==== CL 14013 ====
    @NEW: add ability to hide 'Running Instances' tab, suppresses the fetching of job detail data for all running jobs.

    ==== CL 13739 ====
    @NEW: Maxwell 3 compatibility

    ==== CL 13641 ====
    @NEW: Add support for custom frame ranges in AfterEffect renderQueue items "render settings"



    ==== CL 14090 ====
    @FIX: don't wrap empty paths in QB_CONVERT_PATH

    ==== CL 14086 ====
    @FIX: supplying an outputPath but no renderQueueIndex or compName results in
    '-output' with no path in the job's command-line

    ==== CL 14062 ====
    @FIX: frame logs when run more than once on multiple instances are not sorted
    chronologically, but by instance ID, sometimes resulting in out-of-order
    per-frame log data in WranglerView

    ==== CL 14059 ====
    @FIX: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'count'" message when
    submitting an AfterEffects from outside of AE and not specifying the outputPath

    ==== CL 14054 ====
    @FIX: ZeroDivisionError when a global resource is defined with a total of 0 resources

    ==== CL 14019 ====
    @FIX: additional performance optimization relating to job and host filter
    widgets, avoid getting distinct values for widgets not shown

    ==== CL 13803 ====
    @FIX: submission UI should use supervisor_default_hostorder if set, not hard-coded value

    ==== CL 13710 ====
    @FIX: 'Kill' option greyed out for a job in the 'waiting' state

    ==== CL 13688 ====
    @FIX:Fix issue on support for OSX 10.10 where WV would not start if /etc/hostconfig was missing.

    ==== CL 13686 ====
    @FIX: is supervisor_max_cpus_limit == -1, the WV max_cpus field can't be set to anything other than -1

    ==== CL 13684 ====
    @FIX: memory reservation widget upper limit was 10G, new limit is 512G

    ==== CL 13661 ====
    @FIX: editing some supervisor_* parameters triggering a supervisor restart when
    a reread would be sufficient

    ==== CL 13641 ====
    @FIX: custom frame ranges in AfterEffects being ignored in favour of comp work area range

    ==== CL 13535 ====
    @FIX: retrywork_delay missing from job modification dialog

    ==== CL 13530 ====
    @FIX: AE CC 2014.2 - to avoid float frame numbers (e.g., 134.00003456789)
    truncate (round down) start- and end-frame values. This seems to match AE's
    internal behavior with aerender.

    ==== CL 13499 ====
    @FIX: don't render C4D multi-pass output if 'Multi-Pass' is not enabled in the render settings

    ==== CL 13408 ====
    @FIX: don't automatically set the job's requirements if using a 'kind' value

    Changes in behavior 

    ==== CL 14062 ====
    @CHANGE: print a delineating space between successive runs of an agenda item
    when viewer per-frame logs, helps to see where it restarts

    ==== CL 13715 ====
    @CHANGE: add VRED scene name to the job name when the scenefile is selected

    ==== CL 13686 ====
    @CHANGE: default max_instances to the lesser of either
    supervisor_max_cpus_limit or 200 (default to 200 if no upper limit defined in
    the supervisor

    ==== CL 13641 ====
    @CHANGE: a different approach for determining start and end frames using
    AfterEffects "timeToCurrentFormat()" function





    New features 
    ==== CL 13300 ====
    @NEW: add support for VRED In-App submission

    ==== CL 13263 ====
    @NEW: add support for a pyCmdrange-based VRED job

    ==== CL 13068 ====
    @NEW: Add SketchUp batch-render integration as an AppFinder job

    ==== CL 13323 ====
    @NEW: add ability for user to add up to 3 attribute-specific searchFilter
    widgets to job and worker views

    ==== CL 13325 ====
    @NEW: expose the "SimpleCmd Additional Paths" as both a command-line argument and an environment variable
    * QUBEGUI_SIMPLECMD_PATHS environment variable can contain multiple paths, separated with the OS-normal path separator
    * WV command-line argument "-simplecmdpath <dir>" can be supplied multiple times
    * use of --simplecmdpath will override the QUBEGUI_SIMPLECMD_PATHS environment variable
    * directories specified in the WV's user preference "Additional SimpleCmd Addtional Paths" are preserved, but searched last

    ==== CL 13257 ====
    @NEW: convert all C4D in-app submissions to using the new "--submitPkl"
    approach, avoid quoting issues encountered with "--submitDict"

    ==== CL 13287 ====
    @NEW: when using the --submitPkl option, the pickle file is deleted after it's
    loaded unless the --debug flag is also used

    ==== CL 13282 ====
    @NEW: path conversion applied during 'execute in local shell'
    @NEW: 'execute in local shell' supported in pyCmdline and pyCmdrange jobtypes

    ==== CL 13278 ====
    @NEW: instruct supervisor to re-read qb.conf for parameters that support
    re-read instead of a restart

    ==== CL 13065 ====
    @NEW: add a FloatRangeValidator class

    ==== CL 13408 ====
    @FIX: don't automatically set the job's requirements if using a 'kind' value

    ==== CL 13403 ====
    @FIX: VRED job defaults (notably VRED_executable) not being passed through to
    submission UI launched by web browser

    ==== CL 13399 ====
    @FIX: VRED in-app submission UI intermittently not opening on Windows, ensure
    that the job pickle file is always written in ASCII format

    ==== CL 13393 ====
    @FIX: use the job defaults if defined instead of the local AfterEffects version
    when submitting from inside AE

    ==== CL 13360 ====
    @FIX: support 'use all cores' for Maya LoadOnce mentalray renders

    ==== CL 13344 ====
    @FIX: mentalray for maya 2012 and later only supports 4 slaves

    ==== CL 13333 ====
    @FIX: job tag fields always show "unknown" in MetaJob view (pgrp list)

    ==== CL 13329 ====
    @FIX: SketchUp submission job name field not populated when submitted from
    inside SketchUp

    @FIX: filename of the rendered image is malformed when no '#' are used for
    padding in the image_basename, ended up with double-periods "..", image path
    was incorrect as well in WV's outputPath, preventing preview of the rendered

    @FIX: 'render directory' browser now opens in the same directory as the .skp model file.

    ==== CL 13327 ====
    @FIX: remove trailing space from WV's view of rendered image name

    ==== CL 13317 ====
    @FIX: Error: in calculateStatus - ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list

    ==== CL 13310 ====
    @FIX: duplicate menu module in simpleCmd addtionalPaths directory results in
    duplicate menu items rather than overriding the stock ones

    ==== CL 13291 ====
    @FIX: for some jobs, the modify dialog shows -1 for 'Frame Timeout' when it's
    actually set

    ==== CL 13282 ====
    @FIX: 'execute in local shell' fails due to paths wrapped in QB_CONVERT_PATH()

    ==== CL 13280 ====
    @FIX: display WV command-line options in a scrolled message dialog

    ==== CL 13273 ====
    @FIX: select the non-interpreted path to WV on OS X
    @FIX: set the qube_menu file to read-write after copy is complete

    ==== CL 13269 ====
    @FIX: printing "--help" message shouldn't entail try to contact the supervisor
    @COSMETIC: fix typo in help message for --serverthreads argument

    ==== CL 13071 ====
    @FIX: per-frame logs contain sections for all frames, not just the selected
    frame. Bug introduced in 6.6-2 release

    Changes in behavior 
    ==== CL 13360 ====
    @CHANGE: expose 'use all cores' widget in maya submission UI

    ==== CL 13344 ====
    @CHANGE: selecting mentalray DBR sets upper limit on job.cpus, sets instance
    count to max.

    ==== CL 13338 ====
    @CHANGE: hide generic 'specific thread count' controls when supervisor is
    running Designer licenses

    ==== CL 13278 ====
    @CHANGE: only restart a service if a changed configuration parameter affects
    it, don't restart unnecessarily

    ==== CL 13065 ====
    @CHANGE: IntRangeValidator "max" value is now optional




    ==== CL 13071 ====
    @FIX: per-frame logs contain sections for all frames, not just the selected
    frame. Bug introduced in 6.6-2 release

    New features 
    ==== CL 12909 ====
    @NEW: expose database_* parameters in configuration dialog

    ==== CL 12991 ====
    @COSMETIC: add supervisor version and license type (Designer/Unlimited) to
    WranglerView title bar

    ==== CL 13025 ====
    @COSMETIC: add license_type information ("Unlimited", "Designer") to 'About' and 'Ping Supervisor' dialogs

    ==== CL 13028 ====
    @NEW: add per-hostgroup charting to PerformanceCharts->Farm Utilization

    ==== CL 13011 ====
    @FIX: modifying a pre-6.6 job in 6.6 WranglerView with 'Query SQL' enabled in
    the prefs results in "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'"

    ==== CL 12981 ====
    @FIX: pass '-verbose 5' to the mayabatch mentalray command-line, despite it
    being the default value (always use this value, default values are normally not
    passed on)

    ==== CL 12969 ====
    @FIX: job instance imelines do not stop tracking when the job ends

    ==== CL 12953 ====
    @FIX:Include libraries for MSVC2010 against which the included qb module is
    compiled - this should resolve an issue launching WranglerView on some versions
    of Windows.

    ==== CL 12911 ====
    @FIX: "ImportError: No module named modo": modo AppUI directory missing from Windows build

    Changes in behavior 
    ==== CL 12977 ====
    @CHANGE: context menus are disabled when [default] is selected in user permissions view





    The 6.6-1a patch was only released on Windows to address an issue that
    prevented WranglerView from starting on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server
    2012, and a few cases on Windows 7 Professional.

    The issue was related to the building of the WranglerView executable for 
    release and not code internal to WranglerView itself.

    New features 
    ==== CL 12909 ====
    @NEW: expose database_* parameters in configuration dialog

    ==== CL 12911 ====
    @FIX: "ImportError: No module named modo": modo AppUI directory missing from Windows build


    ==== CL 12828 ====
    @FIX: reservations 'Browse' button does nothing when no global resources are defined

    Changes in behavior 
    ==== CL 12824 ====
    @COSMETIC: worker_path_map and worker_drive_map values are printed as a list of
    key/value pairs instead of a long string


    New features 
    ==== CL 12729 ====
    @NEW: add smartShare parameters to Supervisor config dialog

    ==== CL 12771 ====
    @NEW: add support for Adobe's CC <year> naming scheme, eg. "CC 2014"

    ==== CL 12592 ====
    @NEW: add support for Autodesk 2015 - Maya
    @NEW: includes submission interface for new 'maya hardware renderer 2' for rendering bifrost simulations
    @NEW: includes new options for the mentalray renderer

    ==== CL 12591 ====
    @NEW: add support for Autodesk 2015 - 3dsMax

    ==== CL 12590 ====
    @NEW: add support for Autodesk 2015 - XSI

    ==== CL 12575 ====
    @NEW: Add job context menu item for copying ID's of selected jobs to the clipboard

    ==== CL 12571 ====
    @NEW: supervisor and worker stop/start/enable/disable menu items only enabled for root user on linux

    ==== CL 12558 ====
    @NEW: scheduled locking can optionally purge jobs when locking
    @NEW: Windows watchdog locking can optionally purge jobs when locking
    @NEW: Windows watchdog locking timeout value can be user-defined

    ==== CL 12569 ====
    @NEW:Support for Ubuntu

    ==== CL 12564 ====
    @NEW: add render thread control group to Nuke LoadOnce submission UI

    ==== CL 12605 ====
    @NEW: add additional messages to regex_errors for nuke cmdline and loadOnce jobs

    ==== CL 12483 ====
    @NEW: add 'ip address' column to instance list in job view

    ==== CL 12430 ====
    @NEW: expose 'shove' operation in job context menu, only enabled if user has Qube admin privilege

    ==== CL 12310 ====
    @NEW: add support for new 'exiting' status

    ==== CL 12271 ====
    @NEW: add 'retrying' and 'failing' pseudo-states for running jobs that have
    either failed or running frames that have been automatically retried

    ==== CL 12213 ====
    @NEW:expose frame/subjob timeout, retry, etc in modify dialog

    ==== CL 12145 ====
    @NEW: add support for Arnold to maya BatchRender submissions, supports outputPaths

    ==== CL 12136 ====
    @NEW: a jobytpe for Modo which uses a "cmdrange-like" behavior, writes out a
    modo command-file for each agenda item and redirects that file into the modo_cl
    executable. Support single-frame, chunking, and frame partitions

    ==== CL 12004 ====
    @NEW: add support for remote worker commands (startup/shutdown/sleep/wake) via
    a customer's pre-existing IPMI framework

    ==== CL 12003 ====
    @NEW: "Browse" buttons for reservations should show global options

    ==== CL 11995 ====
    @NEW: Add db data integrity checks to WV->Admin menu, log progress and results to a floating window

    ==== CL 11966 ====
    @NEW: add support for Arnold standalone rendering using SolidAngle's 'kick' utility
    @NEW: show rendered output from Arnold renders in Maya

    ==== CL 11939 ====
    @NEW:Add "block until <time>" field to simpleCmd

    ==== CL 12458 ====
    @FIX: regex_* fields missing from pyCmdline & pyCmdrange submission UI's.

    ==== CL 12531 ====
    @FIX: speed up data aggregation for global resource charting, 900,000 record
    test was reduced from 4 minutes to 12 seconds.

    ==== CL 12533 ====
    @FIX: speed up data warehouse queries for Running and Pending charts
    @CHANGE: print record counts for data warehouse queries in log pane.

    ==== CL 12534 ====
    @FIX: AttributeError: 'GlobalResourceUsageQuery' object has no attribute
    'dataPeriodTablesExists', occurs when a only a single resource is selected to
    be charted

    ==== CL 12562 ====
    @FIX: OS choice control not visible in Nuke submission UI's execPathBuilder widget

    ==== CL 12564 ====
    @FIX: nuke thread count should update when 'slots = threads' control is
    checked, not just when slot/thread count is changed

    ==== CL 12566 ====
    @FIX: failure when backing up or creating a new version of a config file should
    raise an error dialog, rather than just print the error to the WV logPane.

    ==== CL 12571 ====
    @FIX: support Ubuntu use of update-rc.d to control supevisor and worker daemons

    ==== CL 12676 ====
    @FIX: "IndexError: list index out of range" during the parsing of a job log, crashes requestQueue

    ==== CL 12680 ====
    @FIX: 'KeyError' when the job dependency graph is enabled and refreshing
    jobList with a job selected which has a dependent job which is no longer in

    ==== CL 12682 ====
    @FIX: 'KeyError' when the job dependency graph is enabled and refreshing
    jobList with a job selected which has a dependent job which is no longer in

    ==== CL 12697 ====
    @FIX: Qube Worker service erroneously detected as running on OS X due to Chrome
    having a process with "--type=worker" argument

    @FIX: Qube Worker service can't start on OS X unless it's also set to auto-start

    ==== CL 12706 ====
    @FIX: catch another case of "IndexError: list index out of range" during the parsing of a job log, crashes requestQueue

    Changes in behavior 
    ==== CL 12474 ====
    @CHANGE: update pyNuke jobtype backend to use new pythonChild framework that runs on all 3 platforms
    @CHANGE: update pyNuke frontend, add 'thread count' and license expiry messages to regex_highlights

    ==== CL 12507 ====
    @CHANGE: set displayed length limit for both job and instance logs to 30MB
    ZD: 11075

    ==== CL 12543 ====
    @CHANGE: All values for file and directory controls in submitted SimpleCmd jobs
    (cmdline, cmdrange, pyCmdline, pyCmdrange & all jobs with SimpleCmdType set in
    package) are now wrapped in QB_CONVERT_PATH()

    ==== CL 12539 ====
    @CHANGE: upgrade WX version on Windows from ->

    ==== CL 12558 ====
    @CHANGE: "Scheduled locking" now locks all slots
    @CHANGE: 'Windows Watchdog locking" now locks all slots

    ==== CL 12651 ====
    @CHANGE: mxi cleanup operation deletes all but the target (merged) .mxi, uses a (required) external script

    ==== CL 12652 ====
    @CHANGE: if bit depth specified in Maxwell render job, pass this bit depth value to the mximerge job

    ==== CL 12703 ====
    @CHANGE: remove all references to 'expand' job flag, job expansion is replaced by new smartShare feature

    ==== CL 12706 ====
    @CHANGE: suppress printing of "Checking for uniqueness", move to debug logging level

    ==== CL 12729 ====
    @CHANGE: removed deprecated supervisor_flag "stub_optimize" from the list of presented choices
    @CHANGE: group supervisor config params in config dialog into functional groups; commonly-changed,
    smartShare, user limits, email, advanced (uncommon), etc

    ==== CL 12777 ====
    @CHANGE: 'Clear Defaults' now saves the prefs to disk automatically, but doesn't reset or close the
    current submission UI

    ==== CL 12386 ====
    @CHANGE: rename AfterEffects in-app menu item from 'Submit Job From File' to
    'Submit From JobArchive' for clarity

    ==== CL 12195 ====
    @CHANGE: On Windows, disable "Install/Update license" if not admin-equiv



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